Chaotic Harmony

2 min readJul 15, 2022

Name Alayna Moreu
Rank Jedi Knight
Training Jedi Sentinel Investigator
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The line in the code that can work backwards, forwards and flipped around. There can be chaos in harmony, but there can also be harmony in chaos. The galaxy is filled with both, more so now than ever. To find harmony is to find consistency in everything, including yourself. But within yourself, is also a chaos that helps keep your mind, body and soul in check. One cannot exist without the other.

The find harmony in chaos, I remember something from my teachings. “For harmony to exist, there must always be chaos. Chaos however is just untapped potential, in a being, or life in general. To grasp at such potential is to unwind the threads of chaos into one harmonious piece.” The analogy I compare it to most, is like music. The make music you have melody, tempo, harmony. If one of them is out of sync, that is when chaos starts pushing its way through, and harmony becomes a mess of chaos. However, some music works with a chaotic form. Loud, aggressive, and maybe even off key…but in the end, chaos will always unravel into harmony.

It is what will always happen, until the end of time and it is not something we can control, simply guide it along in both directions.

There is no Chaos, There is Harmony

To control the chaos within yourself is to find harmony. In order to do that, you must first experience it yourself. Many things provide chaos, be it small or large. Our emotions are a vast array of chaos or harmony in themselves. This line of the code is very difficult to properly narrow down and one I have a hard time properly pinpointing. If I come to a deeper understanding, I will update this recording

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