Lamenting on Events

3 min readDec 21, 2022

Name: Alayna Moreu
Rank: Jedi Knight
Training: Jedi Sentinel Investigator
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Failure is briefly taught and touched upon in the order. We are told to do or do not, there is no try. These last few months…since the order was given for our execution, have left very little time to reflect on things, but as we make our way to Dathomir, time is all we have right now.

I wouldn’t call what happened on Nar Shadda a betrayal, or a good thing. I also wouldn’t call it a bad thing in its entirety. Wallace kept the secret of his contact a secret to help deal with my Aluxio problem. I do not agree with WHO we essentially helped…but I cannot change that now. Now is just a time to deal with yet another problem. I am unsure how Aluxio was dealt with, but if Maul took care of it, perhaps it is better I don’t know. Thank you for your help escaping Coruscant, I hope that the force guides you along to your afterlife. As the Jedi have taught us, Death is a natural part of life after all.

I do hope Master Zar is okay. Learning who we unknowingly worked for, and knowing that this Sith Lord is the cause of the death of one of our own…he is strong, and he knows how to hold himself together well. I only hope that if we all survive, I can be half the Master that he is one day. Highly unlikely that, that will ever happen at this point.

This family we have all found ourselves in, it hangs on by a thread sometimes. We all have our secrets, and while that is okay, when it comes to our safety and survival then we should speak to each other. Let all of the important secrets known so we can prepare for them properly. If this is what having a family is like, then perhaps being taken into the order at a young age isn’t the worst thing. I say this as a joke.

This isn’t the first family I have had though. The 401st was full of people I called brothers. I failed them though, as their General, their commander, their sister. I should have spoken to Check Mate sooner, should have helped him so he could still be with his brothers. I’m sorry Omen, and Peter. I cannot say it enough. I failed to help them all, and if any chance arises to right that wrong I will do it. They are more than clones, always have been, always will be.

I do not know what to fully expect on Dathomir, but if it’s just more of what Thina and Saiya do, then I only hope everything goes smoothly. My knowledge of the Night sisters way of life is limited, only that they use the Darkside to fuel their ability. It still worries me to have my Padawan and myself to be around such things, but their magicks helped Ollie survive. I have to trust that they can control it enough to keep us all safe.

The Force will guide us, as it always has…

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