Natural Death

2 min readJul 15, 2022

Name Alayna Moreu
Rank Jedi Knight
Training Jedi Sentinel Investigator
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Begin Recording

The recording is silent as Alayna gathered her thoughts on the subject of this line of the code. Before long her voice was finally heard.

Master Yoda has instilled in all of us from a young age, that death is a natural part of life. To not be afraid of dying, as our bodies will become one with the force. It was a tough subject to grasp at a young age, and while I am no stranger to the death of a living being…the amount that has been felt in the past day or two alone…it is more than I am able to handle.

The hours since the death of the Jedi Order has left me trying to grasp at where our path should go now. I am no Master, I am just one person, suddenly shoved into the role of protecting the last few remaining Younglings and Padawans, but I do not feel I can do their training justice. It is hard to even consider. I couldn’t even keep my own Padawan from the temptations of the Dark Side.

Another few moments of silence with a shaky breath as she gathers herself again.

Master Plo Koon tried to teach me to understand the aspect of death. His words, now more than ever, fill my head when a loss of life is seen or felt. He told me “Sometimes there is not much we can do to prevent death from happening. We cannot save everyone, but the ones that we can save, are the ones who will do as you have done. They will go to save lives of their own, if they can.”

There is no Death, There is only the Force

When touching upon the subject of death, and the force, the one thing that needs to be remembered at all times, is that even in death…your life essence, your connection to the force can make a difference in someone else. Even though there is death, every second in the galaxy…we have to look towards a brighter time.

If you are to encounter death in anyway, grieve the loss of life, remember the person that they were in life, and feel their presence and connection with you through the will of the force. They are not truly gone forever, and you carry on their legacy, their dreams, and aspirations…

Silence again, as she contemplates all she just said.

There is no Emotion, There is Peace
There is no Ignorance, There is Knowledge
There is no Passion, There is Serenity
There is no Chaos, There is Harmony
There is no…no Death…There is only the force.

The sound of sniffling as she finishes speaking, the recording coming to an end

Recording Ended
Saving file titled: Natural Death

