
2 min readJan 31, 2024

Name: Alayna Moreu
Rank: Jedi Knight
Training: Jedi Sentinel, Investigator
File Upload beginning…
Begin Recording

“We found a cure…more specifically Thinariel found a cure through the Nightsisters magic. I was always skeptical of their techniques. I always, deep down, viewed it as just…unnatural and wrong, a font to the Darkside. I was wrong. I have seen them do much in the time I have known them. Because of the magic of the Nightsisters, and the ancient spirits, Ollie and Or-on survived that horrid plague. Ollie never would have been in such a situation if it wasn’t for me. If I didn’t hire Wallace and Ollie to help me and the 401st, they could have just left without any issues.”

“Because of me though, she was bitten by a creature the galaxy long thought dead. A creature that shouldn’t even be here., but because of The Mother…time is all fucked up. “

“But she is okay. The weight that lifted from my shoulders was immense. The weight that pushed down on me, because of my fuck up. Two years, and all we had been able to do was delay the worst. No one had answers wherever we looked. Not even Xavier could find results when travelling the World Between Worlds…but Ollie will be okay. Master Zarr will be okay.”

“Now…now we can focus on our next problem. The Mother, Thrawn, the Mandalorian conflict, and Palpatine. It is a lot…but we are a family. We are stronger together, and that is going to be our salvation in the end. I know it will not be easy, but let this recording be my own personal testament. Whatever happens, wherever we go, whoever we encounter…I will not turn away from what will have to be done. I can only hope Master Plo is with me in the force the whole way.”

“The force is with me, with us.”

Recording Ended
Saving file titled: “Survival”

